Appart Hotel in Port Grimaud in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez

Studio apartment

Make the studio the starting point for your sunny days out exploring the magnificent scenery of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, interspersed with cooling dips in the azure waters of the Mediterranean. On your return, the studio has all the practical comforts you could need for a delightful stay in Port Grimaud. Thanks to its central location, you’ll be able to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the village and its lively streets, and while being at the heart of Le Suffren establishment, you’ll remain independent of the hotel.

  • 3 people
  • 23 m2
  • Marina View
  • Lounge area
  • Kitchenette
  • Balcony
Hôtel Le Suffren
Hôtel Le Suffren
Hôtel Le Suffren
+ more than 1000 guests received – Fully equipped apartments – Views over the canal, market or marina + more than 1000 guests received – Fully equipped apartments – Views over the canal, market or marina


Experience the picturesque charm of the village of Port Grimaud, a listed 20th-century heritage site. With its traditional square where boulistes like to meet up at sunset for a game of boules that’s as fierce as it is fun, and its colourful, friendly market, you’ll discover the true Provençal way of life.

  • Hotel located opposite the canals, harbour quayside and its boats.
  • Located 200 metres from the beach
  • Just 8 kilometres from Saint-Tropez
Hôtel Le Suffren
Hôtel Le Suffren
Hôtel Le Suffren

All our apartments

Luxury apartment

Hôtel Le Suffren
Hôtel Le Suffren
Hôtel Le Suffren
  • 4 people
  • 30 m2
  • Canal View

Self-catering apartment

Hôtel Le Suffren
Hôtel Le Suffren
  • 4 people
  • 35 m2
  • Marina or Market View
Sales are open for the season
which starts on April 4th!

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